AI#5 Problem solving and Searching [EN]

As humans are on a continuous quest of finding their purpose in life, AI engines are exploring the optimal way to find resolutions.

AI#4 Challenges of AI [EN]

Throughout human history, societies have been resisting to change. The change involves adaptation and comes always with a cost. Giving up the old in favour of the new was is a continuous process and part of the evolution. Sometimes, the transition can hide also traps. Newer is not necessarily better. Analyzing and understanding the challenges of new technology could be decisive for its future. Adopting cutting-edge technologies was always a common effort of the community, to prepare transitions, adapt hardware, upgrade software, educate users or attract funds.

AI#1 What is Artificial Intelligence? [EN]

I tried to summarize my knowledge in this area of computer science in a manner that would be easily accessible to technical engineers or even professors who want to expand their knowledge.

AI#0 Learn AI technology in 2022 [EN]

Artificial Intelligence is more and more part of our lives today. It is also one of the most critical tools nowadays we use to create applications that help humankind...

Rețele neurale – ce sunt și cum funcționează

"Rețelele neurale" sunt o ramura a științelor inteligenței artificiale și neuroinformatică.

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Ne-ar face placere sa te alaturi comunitatii noastre!