Articole de

Lucian Gruia

Inginer software, absolvent UPB, specializat în domeniile telecom și aerospatială.

AI#6 Knowledge representation in AI [EN]

Knowledge is a fundamental ingredient of human memory, it is something that may look objective, but at the same time, it is stored subjectively by each individual and it is presented or described to others through the filter of own judgement and transported using various channels as natural or mathematical languages.

AI#5 Problem solving and Searching [EN]

As humans are on a continuous quest of finding their purpose in life, AI engines are exploring the optimal way to find resolutions.

AI#4 Challenges of AI [EN]

Throughout human history, societies have been resisting to change. The change involves adaptation and comes always with a cost. Giving up the old in favour of the new was is a continuous process and part of the evolution. Sometimes, the transition can hide also traps. Newer is not necessarily better. Analyzing and understanding the challenges of new technology could be decisive for its future. Adopting cutting-edge technologies was always a common effort of the community, to prepare transitions, adapt hardware, upgrade software, educate users or attract funds.

AI#3 Advantages and Disadvantages of AI [EN]

From the moment we wake up and check our smartphone or smartwatch, to watching another video recommended on YouTube or an ad on a social platform, AI has quickly made its way into our habits. Let’s have a look behind the scenes, to better understand what are the AI’s pros and cons. How it creates impact directly and indirectly.

Cum o decizie papală devine virală sute de ani mai târziu

22.02.2022 - Ce este insa atat de special la aceasta data? Are o semnificatie astronomica, istorica, sau de orice alt fel?

AI#2 Intelligent Agents [EN]

In the real world we have humans. In the virtual realm, we have Intelligent Agents (IA). Check out what are they, their roles and how Intelligent Agents work.

AI#1 What is Artificial Intelligence? [EN]

I tried to summarize my knowledge in this area of computer science in a manner that would be easily accessible to technical engineers or even professors who want to expand their knowledge.

AI#0 Learn AI technology in 2022 [EN]

Artificial Intelligence is more and more part of our lives today. It is also one of the...

Rețele neurale – ce sunt și cum funcționează

"Rețelele neurale" sunt o ramura a științelor inteligenței artificiale și neuroinformatică.